Lesson 7 Does it Make a New Ten?
Let’s add one-digit and two-digit numbers and write equations.
Warm-up Which One Doesn’t Belong: Expressions
Which one doesn’t belong?
Activity 1 A Ten or Not a Ten?
Problem 1

Jada likes to look for ways to make a new ten when she adds.
Would she be able to a make a new ten when she adds to find the value of this sum?
Problem 2
Jada likes to look for ways to make a new ten when she adds.
Would she be able to a make a new ten when she adds to find the value of this sum?
Does the expression make a new ten?
Problem 3
Jada likes to look for ways to make a new ten when she adds.
Would she be able to a make a new ten when she adds to find the value of this sum?
Does the expression make a new ten?
Problem 4
Jada likes to look for ways to make a new ten when she adds.
Would she be able to a make a new ten when she adds to find the value of this sum?
Does the expression make a new ten?
Activity 2 Missing Numbers
Lin’s brother spilled water on her math work!
Figure out what number Lin wrote before it got smudged.
Lin wrote a one-digit number with which you can make a new ten when you find the value of the sum.
What could Lin’s number be?
Write equations to show your thinking.Lin wrote a one-digit number with which you can not make a new ten when you find the value of the sum.
What could Lin’s number be?
Write equations to show your thinking.Lin wrote a two-digit number with which you can make a new ten when you find the value of the sum.
What could Lin’s number be?
Write equations to show your thinking.Lin wrote a two-digit number with which you can not make a new ten when you find the value of the sum.
What could Lin’s number be?
Write equations to show your thinking.How do you know whether or not you can make a new ten when you are finding the value of a sum?
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Find the value of each sum.
Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.
How are the problems the same?
How are they different?