Lesson 1 Compare Lengths
Let’s compare and order objects by length.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Pencils
What do you notice?
What do you wonder?

Activity 1 Is it Longer or Shorter?
Share your thinking with your partner.
Choose 2 objects and compare their lengths.
Choose 2 different objects and compare their lengths.
Write down your answers.
Choose an object that you could write with and find the tower of 3 connecting cubes.
Which is longer?
Draw the 2 objects to show which is longer.
Choose a different object and find the tower of 8 connecting cubes.
Which is shorter?
Draw the 2 objects to show which is shorter.
Find an object from the collection that is shorter than your foot.
Fill in the blank.
The is shorter than my foot.
Find an object from the collection that is longer than your pointer finger.
Fill in the blank.
The is longer than my pointer finger.
Activity 2 Order Objects
Pick 3 objects.
With your partner, put the objects in order from shortest
to longest.
Trace or draw your objects.
Pick 3 new objects.
With your partner, put them in order from longest to shortest.
Write the names of the objects in order from longest to shortest.
Activity 3 Centers: Choice Time
Choose a center.
Target Numbers

Five in a Row
Get Your Numbers in Order

Practice Problem
Problem 1
Use any tool you would like to compare the length of the rectangles.
List the rectangles from longest to shortest.