Lesson 11 A Bigger Piece
Let’s compare the size of halves and fourths.
Warm-up Choral Count: 10 More, 10 Less
Count by 10, starting at 6.
What patterns do you see?
Activity 1 Which is Bigger?
Each partner cuts out their circle.
Decide who will cut into halves and who will cut into fourths.
Fold your circle into halves or fourths then cut it.
Compare your pieces with your partner.
What do you notice?
Be ready to explain your thinking in a way that others will understand.
Repeat with your squares.
Compare your pieces with your partner.
What do you notice?
Be ready to explain your thinking in a way that others will understand.
Write 2 things you notice about your pieces.
Activity 2 Priya and Han Share Roti
Priya and Han are sharing roti.
Priya says, “I want half of the roti because halves are bigger than fourths.”
Han says, “I want a fourth of the roti because fourths are bigger than halves because 4 is bigger than 2.”

Who do you agree with?
Show your thinking using drawings, numbers or words.
Use the circle if it helps you.
Activity 3 Introduce Geoblocks: Feel and Guess
We are going to learn a new way to play Geoblocks, called Feel and Guess.