Lesson 1 Can You Share?
Let’s share groups of objects equally with a partner.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Sharing is Caring
What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Activity 1 My Fair Share
Choose a container of counters. Share the counters equally with your partner. Then complete the table to show the total number of objects and how many you each received.
total | my share | my partner’s share | number of leftovers |
Activity 2 Share the Marbles

Andre has a collection of 17 marbles. He wants to play a game with his sister. They both need to start with the same number of marbles and they want to use as many as they can.
How many marbles would Andre and his sister get? Would there be any marbles left out of the game? Show your thinking.
What if Andre had 18 marbles? How many would each person get? Would there be any marbles left out? Show your thinking.
What if Andre had 20 marbles? How many would each person get? Would there be any marbles left out?
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Noah and Lin have 13 crayons. Can they share all of the crayons equally with no leftovers? Explain or show your reasoning.
Noah and Lin have 16 colored pencils. Can they share all of the colored pencils equally with no leftovers? Explain or show your reasoning.