Lesson 2 Expanding Ten-Thousands

  • Let’s represent five-digit numbers.

Warm-up Choral Count: 10,000

Let’s count by 1,000s, starting with 9,000.

Activity 1 Hundred-Thousand: Base-Ten Blocks

For each table, complete the missing information.

  1. type of block

    base 10 cube
    10x10 square made of counting cubes
    10 cube counter
    one counting cube

    number of blocks

    Standard form:

    Expanded form:

  2. type of block

    base 10 cube
    10x10 square made of counting cubes
    10 cube counter
    one counting cube

    number of blocks

    Standard form:

    Expanded form:

  3. Choose your own numbers.  Write the value of the blocks in standard and expanded form.

    type of block

    base 10 cube
    10x10 square made of counting cubes
    10 cube counter
    one counting cube

    number of blocks

    Standard form:

    Expanded form:

  4. Choose your own numbers.  Write the value of the blocks in standard and expanded form.

    type of block

    base 10 cube
    10x10 square made of counting cubes
    10 cube counter
    one counting cube

    number of blocks

    Standard form:

    Expanded form:

Activity 2 Spin It, Expand It

  • After each spin, place each digit in an empty space.

  • Once a digit is placed it cannot be moved

  • One digit may be placed in the “no” box

  1. Round 1: Make the largest number possible.

    1. , NO:

    2. , NO:

    3. , NO:

  2. Round 2: Make the smallest number possible

    1. , NO:

    2. , NO:

    3. , NO: