Lesson 2 Points, Lines, Rays, and Segments
Let’s draw points, lines, line segments, and rays.
Warm-up Number Talk: Finding Differences
Find the value of each expression mentally.
Activity 1 Card Sort: Who Am I?
Your teacher will give you a set of cards that describe or illustrate points, lines, rays, and line segments.
Sort the cards into 4 groups. Each group should represent the attributes or characteristics of one of the geometric figures.
Pause for directions from your teacher before completing the graphic organizer.
point | line |
ray | line segment |
Activity 2 Make Some Shapes
Each dot on the grid represents a point. Draw line segments to create:
a triangle a rhombus
a trapezoid a hexagon
a pentagon a rectangle
Draw a combination of rays and line segments to create:
an uppercase letter
a number
a lowercase letter
Practice Problem
Problem 1

Circle the line segments that make up the letter A.
Draw 4 rays that surround a rectangle.
Can you find 4 different rays that surround the same rectangle?