Lesson 14 Notice and Wonder
Let’s create a Notice and Wonder.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Sharing Bread
What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Activity 1 Design Your Notice and Wonder
Find an image that would encourage your classmates to notice and wonder about sharing and interpreting the result as a fraction.
Fill in the possible things students might notice and wonder about your image.
Students may notice:
Students may wonder:
Activity 2 Facilitate Your Notice and Wonder
Display your image for your classmates.
Ask them, “What do you notice? What do you wonder?”
Give them a minute to discuss together.
Have them share what they notice and wonder.
Record their ideas.
Activity 3 Design Your Notice and Wonder, Part 2
Find an image that you find interesting and would encourage your classmates to notice and wonder about a mathematical topic you have learned this year.
Fill in the possible things students might notice and wonder about your image.
Students may notice:
Students may wonder: