Lesson 7 Build with Straws

    • Let’s make shapes with straws.

Warm-up Choral Count: Count to 30

Let’s count to 30.

Activity 1 Compare Length of Straws

shorter than

Straw, shorter than the line.
Line to separate the 2 groups.

longer than

Straw, longer than the line.

Activity 2 Build Shapes from Straws

Use your straws to make a shape. Show it to your partner and ask ‘What shape did I make?’ Take turns making and naming shapes.

Activity 3 Introduce Build Shapes, Match the Flat Shape

Problem 1

12 shapes.

Problem 2

Choose a center.

Build Shapes

Center activity, build shapes.

Counting Collections

Center. Counting Collections.

Which One

Picture Books

Center. Picture books.


Center. Bingo.

Shake and Spill

Center activity, shake and spill.

Practice Problem

Problem 1

Circle the rectangle that is longer.

    1. rectangle
    2. rectangle
    1. rectangle
    2. rectangle
    1. rectangle
    2. rectangle
    1. rectangle
    2. rectangle