Lesson 9 Solve Story Problems

    • Let’s look at different ways to show what happened in a story problem.

Warm-up How Many Do You See: Finger Addition

How many fingers do you see?
How do you see them?

  1. Fingers showing 2.
  2. Fingers showing 2.
    Fingers showing 2.
  3. Fingers showing 3.
  4. Fingers showing 3.
    Fingers showing 2.

Activity 1 Markers at School

There were 4 markers at school.
Elena brought 3 more markers to school.
How many markers are at school now?

Activity 2 Balls at Recess

Playground. Swings, sandbox, seesaw, slide, jumprope, soccer ball.

There were 5 balls on the playground.
Diego brought 5 of the balls inside.
How many balls are on the playground now?

Activity 3 Introduce Math Fingers, Add 2 Hands

Choose a center.

Math Fingers

Center. Math Fingers.

Math Stories

Center. Math Stories.

Subtraction Towers

Center activity, Subtraction Towers.


Center. 5 frame.

Build Shapes

Center activity, build shapes.

Counting Collections

Center. Counting Collections.

Practice Problem

Problem 1

There were 8 cars in the parking lot.
All 8 of the cars left after school.
How many cars are in the parking lot now?