Unit 1 Adding, Subtracting, and Working With Data (Family Materials)
In this unit, students add and subtract within 10 and answer questions about data.
Near the end of the unit:
Ask your student addition and subtraction questions where the answer is 10 or less (For example,
or ). Questions that may be helpful as they work:
How could you draw the problem?
Could you tell me how to count on or count back to find the answer?
After bringing in groceries, ask your student to sort items into categories, describe the categories, and make a representation using drawings, tally marks, or numbers.
Questions that may be helpful as they work:
How did you decide to sort?
What questions can you answer based on your data display?
Section A Add and Subtract within 10
In this section, students add and subtract within 10 while working in pairs at centers. Throughout the school year students work to develop fluency within 10. At this point the emphasis is on adding and subtracting 1 or 2.
Section B Show Us Your Data
In this section, students sort, collect, and organize data about the world around them, including conducting class surveys. Students create representations of data that make sense to them. They describe their categories and tell how many are in each category by counting.
Section C What Does the Data Tell Us?
In this section, students look at data represented in different ways (pictures, tally marks, numbers) and ask and answer questions.
For example, these diagrams show survey data from students who were asked “Which animal would make the best class pet?” One table uses tally marks and one table uses numbers.

Students ask and answer questions like:
Which animal did the most students vote for? (rabbit)
How many students voted? (20)
How many students voted for dog or turtle? (8)