Lesson 19 Make Two-digit Numbers
Let’s make two-digit numbers with tens and ones in different ways.
Warm-up Which One Doesn’t Belong: Different Ways to Show a Number
Which one doesn’t belong?
Activity 1 Make 65 Using Tens and Ones
Create a collection of 65.
You may not break apart any towers.
You may not make any new towers.
Show your collection in a way that others will understand.
If you have time, think of another way to make 65 using the cubes in the bag.
Activity 2 Make 37 in Different Ways
How many ways can you make 37?
Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.
Activity 3 Centers: Choice Time
Choose a center.
Greatest of Them All

Get Your Numbers in Order

Grab and Count

Practice Problem
Problem 1
Circle 2 pictures that show 46.
Show a different way to make 46.