Lesson 7 Subtract Two Digits
Let’s subtract with two-digit numbers.
Warm-up How Many Do You See: Compose a Ten
How many do you see? How do you see them?
Activity 1 What’s the Difference?

Find the value of each difference. Show your thinking. Use blocks if it helps.
Activity 2 Use Blocks to Take Away
Choose a player card. Mix up the other cards and put them face down.
Player name:Represent your starting number with base-ten blocks.
Starting number:Take turns picking a card. Read the card to the group.
Listen for your player’s name. Use the blocks to show the change.
Explain your thinking to your group.
Write an equation to show the new number.
Equation 1:
Equation 2:
My player now has tens and ones.
Ending number:
Share this number with your group.Write an equation to show the sum of the ending numbers in your group.
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Find the value of