Lesson 9 A Sum of Equal Addends
Let’s match expressions with arrays.
Warm-up Estimation Exploration: How Many Waffles?
How many waffles are on the tray?

Record an estimate that is:
too low | about right | too high |
Activity 1 Sums of Rows and Sums of Columns
Mai and Diego represented the same array with different expressions.
Diego’s expression
Mai’s expression
Who do you agree with?
Show your thinking using diagrams, symbols, or other representations.
Activity 2 Card Sort: Arrays and Expressions
Your teacher will give you a set of cards that show arrays, expressions and a total number. Find the cards that match.
Activity 3 Add It All Up
Problem 1
How many counters are there in all?
Explain how you found the total number of counters.
Circle 2 expressions that represent the array.
Problem 2
How many counters are there in all?
Explain how you found the total number of counters.
Circle 2 expressions that represent the array.
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Circle the 2 expressions that represent the array.
How many counters are there in the array?