Lesson 1 Make Sense of Data
Let’s read and ask questions about data.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Graphs
What do you notice? What do you wonder?
Activity 1 Picture Time
What could the categories be for this picture graph?
Be prepared to explain your reasoning.
Activity 2 Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs
A group of students were asked, “How do you get home?” Their responses are shown in a picture graph and a bar graph.
How are the graphs the same? How are they different?
What can we learn about how students get home based on the graphs?
Write two questions you could ask about how students get home based on the graphs.
Practice Problem
Problem 1

The graph shows some information about flowers in the garden.
Write one fact you know based on the data shown in the graph.
Write 2 questions you could answer about the data in the bar graph.