Lesson 2 How Many in Each Group?
Let’s represent and solve more problems.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: More Apples
What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Activity 1 How Many Apples?
Solve each problem. Show your thinking using objects, a drawing, or a diagram.
If 20 apples are packed into 4 boxes with each box having the same number of apples, how many apples are in each box?
If 36 apples are packed into 6 boxes with each box having the same number of apples, how many apples are in each box?
If 45 apples are packed into 9 boxes with each box having the same number of apples, how many apples are in each box?
Activity 2 Gallery Walk
Visit the posters around the room with your partner. Discuss what is the same and what is different about the thinking shown on each poster.
Activity 3 All the Apples
If 24 apples are put into boxes with 8 apples in each box, how many boxes are there?
If 20 apples are packed into 4 boxes with each box having the same number of apples, how many apples are in each box?
Discuss with your partner:
How are these problems alike?
How are they different?
What is alike and what is different about how these problems are represented and solved?
Practice Problem
Problem 1
For each problem, show your thinking using a drawing or a diagram.
There are 30 oranges. If they are packed into 5 bags with the same amount of oranges in each bag, how many oranges are in each bag?
There are 30 oranges. If they are packed into 3 bags with the same amount of oranges in each bag, how many oranges are in each bag?