Lesson 16 Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator
Let’s compare two fractions with the same numerator.
Warm-up True or False: Unit Fractions
Decide whether each statement is true or false. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.
Activity 1 Five Parts of Something
Problem 1
Priya says that
Tyler says that
Who do you agree with? Show your thinking using diagrams or number lines.
Problem 2

For each pair of fractions, which fraction do you think is greater?
or or or
Problem 3
Locate and label each fraction on a number line:
Problem 4
What do you notice about the points? Make 1–2 observations.
Activity 2 Fractions with the Same Numerator
Problem 1
For each pair of fractions, circle the fraction that is greater. Explain or show your reasoning.
Problem 2
Use the symbols > or < to make each statement true. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.
Problem 3
Write in the missing denominator of the fraction to make each statement true. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Use the symbols