Lesson 14 Wax Prints
Let’s analyze and make wax prints.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Textiles
What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Activity 1 Create a Wax Print Pattern

Your teacher will give you some dot paper for drawing.
Use the dot paper to design your own wax print pattern. Your pattern should:
use a rhombus, rectangle, or square
use a quadrilateral that is not a rhombus, rectangle, or square
have each shape repeat at least 5 times
Color the pattern in a way that highlights the shapes you chose or choices you made.
Activity 2 Info Gap: The Bundle

Your teacher will give you either a problem card or a data card. Do not show or read your card to your partner.
Pause here so your teacher can review your work. Ask your teacher for a new set of cards and repeat the activity, trading roles with your partner.
Practice Problem
Problem 1

Where do you see rhombuses in the design?
Where do you see rectangles in the design?
Are there any triangles in the design?