Lesson 9 My Own Flag
Let’s design our own flag.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder
What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Activity 1 Principles of Flag Design
Problem 1
Your teacher will assign you a principle of flag design. With your partner, discuss what the principle means. Why is the principle important for flag design?
Principles of Good Flag Design
Keep It Simple
Use Meaningful Symbolism
Use 2 to 3 Basic Colors
No Lettering or Seals
Be Distinctive or Be Related
Problem 2
For each flag from the warm up, explain or show how the flag represents the principles of flag design.
Activity 2 My Flag
Design your flag.
Imagine you are making your flag with fabric. About how much of each color fabric will you need in square inches?
Switch flags with a partner.
Describe the meaning of each symbol and color you used.
How do you see each of the design principles in your partner’s flag?