Lesson 20 Represent and Compare Numbers
Let’s show numbers in different ways and make comparison statements.
Warm-up Act It Out: Plates and Cups for Dinner

Lin and her brother are setting the table for dinner.
Lin put 8 cups on the table.
Her brother put 6 plates on the table.
Did Lin or her brother put more things on the table?
Activity 1 Represent Numbers
Work with your partner to choose a number from 1–10 to show in many different ways.
Show your number in as many different ways as you can.
Activity 2 Gallery Walk: Different Representations
We are going to go on a gallery walk. We will look at two charts showing different numbers that our classmates made.
Activity 3 Centers: Choice Time
Choose a center.

Practice Problem
Problem 1
Show 5 in as many ways as you can.
Show 7 in as many ways as you can.
Circle the number that is more.