Lesson 5 Put Together

    • Let’s show what happens in a story problem and solve it.

Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Numberless Story Problem

What do you notice?
What do you wonder?

Elena was shopping at the market with her grandfather.
Elena chose some mangoes.
Her grandfather chose some pineapples.
How many pieces of fruit did they choose?

Activity 1 Fruit at the Market


Elena was shopping at the market with her grandfather.
Elena chose 4 mangoes.
Her grandfather chose 2 pineapples.
How many pieces of fruit did they choose?

Activity 2 A Bear with Berries


A bear was searching for berries to eat in the forest.
He ate 3 blueberries.
He ate 6 raspberries.
How many berries did the bear eat?

Activity 3 Introduce Make or Break Apart Numbers, Numbers to 9

Problem 1

Dot page.

Problem 2

Choose a center.

What’s Behind My Back?

Center. What's Behind My Back.


Center. 5 frame.

Make or Break Apart Numbers

Center activity. Make or break apart numbers.

Practice Problem

Problem 1

There are 6 red crayons and 3 blue crayons on the desk.
How many crayons are on the desk?
Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, words, or objects.