Lesson 1 Build Shapes
Let’s use one kind of pattern block to make shapes.
Warm-up How Many Do You See: Triangles
How many do you see?
How do you see them?
Activity 1 Squares, Squares, Squares
Fill in both shapes using only orange square pattern blocks. Then write a number to show how many squares you used to fill in each shape.
Work with your partner to make another shape that is a square. You can use any kind of pattern blocks. Then write a number to show how many pattern blocks you used.
Trace or draw the shape that you made that is not a square. Then write a number to show how many orange square pattern blocks you used.
Activity 2 Shape Puzzle
This sentence says ‘I used pattern blocks.’ Write a number to show how many pattern blocks you used.
Can you use another kind of pattern block to fill in the puzzle?
Activity 3 Centers: Choice Time
Choose a center.

Grab and Count

Find the Pair

Practice Problem
Problem 1
Fill in the puzzle using only triangle pattern blocks.
How many pattern blocks did you use?
Now fill in the puzzle using any pattern blocks you choose.
How many pattern blocks did you use?