Lesson 2: Practice Problems

Problem 1

The likelihood that Han makes a free throw in basketball is 60%. The likelihood that he makes a 3-point shot is 0.345. Which event is more likely, Han making a free throw or making a 3-point shot? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 2

Different events have the following likelihoods. Sort them from least to greatest:

  1. 60%

  2. 8 out of 10

  3. 0.37

  4. 20%

Problem 3

There are 25 prime numbers between 1 and 100. There are 46 prime numbers between 1 and 200. Which situation is more likely? Explain your reasoning.

  1. A computer produces a random number between 1 and 100 that is prime.

  2. A computer produces a random number between 1 and 200 that is prime.

Problem 4 From Unit 4 Lesson 2

It takes cups of cheese, cups of olives, and cups of sausage to make a signature pizza. How much of each ingredient is needed to make 10 pizzas? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 5 From Unit 7 Lesson 16

Here is a diagram of a birdhouse Elena is planning to build. (It is a simplified diagram, since in reality, the sides will have a thickness.) About how many square inches of wood does she need to build this birdhouse?

A drawing of a bird house. The base is 5.5 in by 5.5 in. The roof is sloped down and the front height is 9.25 in and the back height it 10.25 in. the length of the roof is 7.5 in

Problem 6 From Unit 7 Lesson 15

Select all the situations where knowing the surface area of an object would be more useful than knowing its volume.

  1. Placing an order for tiles to replace the roof of a house.

  2. Estimating how long it will take to clean the windows of a greenhouse.

  3. Deciding whether leftover soup will fit in a container.

  4. Estimating how long it will take to fill a swimming pool with a garden hose.

  5. Calculating how much paper is needed to manufacture candy bar wrappers.

  6. Buying fabric to sew a couch cover.

  7. Deciding whether one muffin pan is enough to bake a muffin recipe.