Lesson 13Designing a 5K Course

Learning Goal

Let’s map out the 5K course.

Activity 1: Make a Proposal

Problem 1

Your teacher will give you a map of the school grounds.

  1. On the map, draw in the path you measured earlier with your trundle wheel and label its length.

  2. Invent another route for a walking course and draw it on your map. Estimate the length of the course you drew.

  3. How many laps around your course must someone complete to walk 5 km?

Activity 2: Measuring and Finalizing the Course

Problem 1

  1. Measure your proposed race course with your trundle wheel at least two times. Decide what distance you will report to the class.

  2. Revise your course, if needed.

  3. Create a visual display that includes:

    • A map of your final course

    • The starting and ending locations

    • The number of laps needed to walk 5 km

    • Any other information you think would be helpful to the race organizers

Are you ready for more?

Problem 1

The map your teacher gave you didn’t include a scale. Create one.