Lesson 13: Practice Problems

Problem 1

For each equation, find when . Then find when

Problem 2

True or false: The points , , and all lie on the same line. The equation of the line is . Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 3

Here is a linear equation:

  1. Are and solutions to the equation? Explain or show your reasoning.

  2. Find the -intercept of the graph of the equation. Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 4 From Unit 2 Lesson 11

Find the coordinates of , , and given that = 5 and = 10.

A graph of a line with a triangle with vertexes A (-2,-5), B (90 degree angle) and C. There is also point D on the hypotenuse and y axis.

Problem 5 From Unit 3 Lesson 9

Match each graph of a linear relationship to a situation that most reasonably reflects its context.

Graph A

graph of a line starting at origin and moving diagonally upward, y and x axis labeled

Graph B

graph of a line starting above origin on the y-axis and moving gradually diagonally upward, y and x axis labeled

Graph C

graph of a line starting below the origin on the y-axis and moving diagonally upward, y and x axis labeled

Graph D

graph of a line starting above origin on the y-axis and moving diagonally downward, y and x axis labeled
  1. Graph A

  2. Graph B

  3. Graph C

  4. Graph D

  1. is the weight of a kitten days after birth.

  2. is the distance left to go in a car ride after hours of driving at a constant rate toward its destination.

  3. is the temperature, in degrees C, of a gas being warmed in a laboratory experiment.

  4. is the amount of calories consumed eating crackers.