Section C: Practice Problems Round Within 1,000

Section Summary


In this section, we learned that rounding is a formal way to decide what number a given number is closest to. We rounded numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred. We saw that a number line can help us see the closest multiple of 10 or 100.

Number line. Scale 0 to 100 by 10's. A point between 50 and 55.

Problem 1 (Lesson 14)

  1. Locate and label 539 on one of the number lines.

    Number line. Scale 500 to 600 by 100's.
  2. What is the closest multiple of 100 to 539?

Problem 2 (Lesson 15)

Find the nearest multiple of 10 and the nearest multiple of 100 for:

  1. 537

  2. 661

Problem 3 (Lesson 16)

  1. What is 346 rounded to the nearest ten? Explain or show your reasoning.

  2. What is 346 rounded to the nearest hundred? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 4 (Lesson 16)

Round each number to the nearest ten and to the nearest hundred. Explain or show your reasoning.

  1. 254

  2. 145

Problem 5 (Lesson 17)

  1. What are all the numbers that round to 350 when rounded to the nearest 10?

  2. Which numbers round to 350 when rounded to the nearest ten and round to 400 when rounded to the nearest hundred?

Problem 6 (Lesson 17)

Jada rounds 145 to the nearest ten and gets 150. Then she rounds 150 to the nearest hundred and gets 200. Jada says 145 rounded to the nearest hundred is 200. Do you agree with Jada? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 7 (Exploration)

It is 234 miles from New York City to Boston. Tyler says, “That’s about 200 miles, so it’s about 400 miles to travel back and forth between New York City and Boston.” Do you agree with Tyler? Explain or show your reasoning.