Lesson 1 How Many Groups?
Let’s represent and solve problems.
Warm-up How Many Do You See: Apples
How many do you see? How do you see them?

Activity 1 How Many Apples?
Solve each problem. Show your thinking using objects, a drawing, or a diagram.
If 24 apples are put into boxes with 8 apples in each box, how many boxes are there?
If 42 apples are put into boxes with 6 apples in each box, how many boxes are there?
If 32 apples are put into boxes with 4 apples in each box, how many boxes are there?
Activity 2 Gallery Walk: Apples in Boxes
Visit the posters around the room with your partner. Discuss what is the same and what is different about the thinking shown on each poster.
Reflect on what you saw. Write down one thing that was the same and one thing that was different about the thinking shown on each poster.
Practice Problem
Problem 1
For each problem, show your thinking using a drawing or a diagram.
There are 40 apples packed into boxes. If there are 8 apples in each box, how many boxes are there?
There are 40 apples packed into boxes. If there are 10 apples in each box, how many boxes are there?