Lesson 18 Larger Numbers in Equal Groups
Let’s divide with larger numbers.
Warm-up What Do You Know About …?
What do you know about division?
Activity 1 Groups on a Field Trip

There are 48 students going on a field trip to the aquarium. They visit the exhibits in groups of 4 students. How many groups will there be?
Show your thinking using diagrams, symbols, or other representations.
Activity 2 Bus Ride and Lunch Groups
For each question, show your thinking using diagrams, symbols, or other representations.
On another field trip, 72 students and teachers rode in 3 buses to a science museum, with the same number of people in each bus. How many people rode in each bus?
During lunch, the 72 people sat at long tables, with 12 people at each table. How many tables did they use?
Practice Problem
Problem 1
There are 85 chairs in the gym. They are arranged in 5 rows with the same number of chairs in each row. How many chairs are in each row? Show your thinking using diagrams, symbols, or other representations.