Lesson 7 Solve Both Addends Unknown Story Problems

    • Let’s solve story problems.

Warm-up Which One Doesn’t Belong: Decompose with Math Tools

Which one doesn’t belong?

  1. 2 connecting cube towers. Blue, 3 and blue, 3.
  2. 2 connecting cube towers. Blue, 2. Yellow, 3.
  3. Counters. Red, 5. Yellow, 1.
  4. 1 connecting cube tower. Blue, 2. Yellow, 4.

Activity 1 Fruit for Paletas

Paletas, ice pops made with fruit.

Jada made 6 paletas with her brother.
They made two flavors, lime and coconut.
How many of the paletas were lime?
Then how many of the paletas were coconut?

Activity 2 Pomegranates


Kiran had 7 pomegranates in his bag.
He put some of the pomegranates on the shelf.
He put the rest of the pomegranates in a basket.
How many of the pomegranates were on the shelf?
Then how many of the pomegranates were in the basket?

Activity 3 Introduce Math Stories: How Many of Each?

Apple tree with 6 red apples. 2 baskets, 1 green and 1 red.

Choose a center.

What’s Behind My Back?

Center. What's Behind My Back.


Center. 5 frame.

Make or Break Apart Numbers

Center activity. Make or break apart numbers.

Math Stories

Center. Math Stories.

Practice Problem

Problem 1

There are 8 students eating lunch at the table.
Some of them are drinking milk.
The rest are drinking water.
How many of the students were drinking milk?
Then how many of the students were drinking water?
Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, words, or objects.