Lesson 14 Towers of 10
Let’s figure out how many cubes are hidden.
Warm-up What Do You Know About …?
What do you know about 10?
Activity 1 Introduce What’s Behind My Back?, 10 Cubes
We are going to learn a new way to play the What’s Behind My Back? center.
Activity 2 How Many Cubes Are Hidden?
Han had a tower of 10 cubes.
He snapped it into 2 parts and hid 1 part behind his back.
He showed his partner 4 cubes.
How many cubes is Han hiding behind his back?
Activity 3 Centers: Choice Time
Choose a center.
What’s Behind My Back?
Math Fingers

Shake and Spill

Counting Collections

Roll and Add

Practice Problem
Problem 1
Mai has a tower of 10 connecting cubes.
She snaps the tower into 2 parts and puts one part behind her back.
She shows her partner 3 cubes.
How many cubes is Mai hiding?
Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, words, or objects.