Lesson 6 Measure with Paper Clips
Let’s measure length with a new tool.
Warm-up Estimation Exploration: Length of the Desk
How long is the desk?

Record an estimate that is:
too low | about right | too high |
Activity 1 Measure with Paper Clips
We have been measuring length with connecting cubes. Now we are going to use a different object to measure. Measure the length of this rectangle using paper clips. When each partner has measured, compare your thinking with your partner.
Activity 2 Measure Our Workbook
Circle whether you agree or disagree with each student.
Explain why you agree or disagree.
Andre says that his student workbook is 5 paper clips long.
I because
Tyler says the workbook is 7 paper clips long.
I because
Clare says the workbook is 8 paper clips long.
I because
Activity 3 Measure Strips of Tape
Use paper clips to measure each strip of tape.
The length of Tape A is paper clips.
The length of Tape B is paper clips.
The length of Tape C is paper clips.
The length of Tape D is paper clips.
The length of Tape E is paper clips.
The length of Tape F is paper clips.
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Jada says the rectangle is 5 paper clips long.
Do you agree with Jada? Why or why not?
Do you think the rectangle is less than 5 paper clips long, 5 paper clips long, or more than 5 paper clips long?
Show your thinking using drawings, number or words.