Lesson 7 Measure Length with Different Length Units
Let’s measure the same object using different length units.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Large Cubes and Small Cubes
What do you notice?
What do you wonder?

Activity 1 Measure With Different Objects
Circle the 3 objects you will use:
connecting cubes
small paper clips
small cubes
large paper clips
Measure the length of Jeison’s foot with each object you chose and fill in the table.
Activity 2 Measure the Teacher’s Shoe
Andre measured his teacher’s shoe and said it was 15 connecting cubes long.
Is his measurement accurate?
Why or why not?
Jada measured her teacher’s shoe and said it was 12 connecting cubes long.
Is her measurement accurate?
Why or why not?
Clare measured her teacher’s shoe and said it was 30 small cubes long.
Is her measurement accurate?
Why or why not?
Kiran measured his teacher’s shoe and said it was 19 cubes long.
Is his measurement accurate?
Why or why not?
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Jada and Han measure the rectangle.
Jada says the rectangle is 3 long.
Han says that it is 8 long.
Explain how both Jada and Han can be correct.