Lesson 1 How Would You Describe These Figures?
Let’s draw and describe geometric figures.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: String Art
What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Activity 1 Do You See What I See?
Work with a partner in this activity. Sit back to back or use a divider to block each other’s view.
Partner A:
Your teacher will give you a card. Don’t show it to your partner.
Describe the image on the card—as clearly and precisely as possible—so that your partner can draw it on a blank card.
Partner B:
Your teacher will give you a blank card.
- Your partner will describe an image. Listen carefully to the descriptions. On your card, create a drawing as described.
When done, compare the given image and the drawn image. Discuss:
Which parts were accurate? Which were off?
How could the descriptions be improved so the drawing could be more accurate?
Which words or descriptions are useful?
Try again with a second card from your teacher. When done, compare and discuss the images again.
Switch roles and repeat the exercise. Your teacher will give you 2 new cards (1 for each round).
Activity 2 Lines and Line Segments
Here is a field of dots.
Draw 5 lines, each one connecting at least 2 dots and extending as far as possible.
Did your lines make some familiar shapes or figures—perhaps a triangle, quadrilateral, a letter, or a number?
Identify at least one familiar shape or figure in your drawing. Trace the shape with a heavier mark or use a color pencil to make it obvious.
Share your drawing with your group members. Discuss:
How are the drawings alike? What do all the shapes have in common?
How are the drawings different?
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Draw 4 different lines through points on the grid. At least two of the lines should cross another line.
Mark at least 3 different segments in your drawing.