3.1: Dot Image: Properties of Multiplication

Let’s explore situations that involve division.
Draw a diagram and write a multiplication equation to represent each of the following situations. Then answer the question.
Here is an applet to use if you choose to.
The toolbar includes buttons that represent 1 whole and fractional parts, as shown here. Click a button to choose a quantity, and then click in the work space of the applet window to drop it. When you're done choosing pieces, use the Move tool (the arrow) to drag them into the jars. You can always go back and get more pieces, or delete them with the Trash Can tool.
The jars in this applet are shown as stacked to make it easier to combine the jam and find out how much you have.
Here are the questions again.
To make 1 batch of granola, Kiran needs 26 ounces of oats. The only measuring tool he has is a 4-ounce scoop. How many scoops will it take to measure 26 ounces of oats?
The recipe calls for 14 ounces of mixed nuts. To get that amount, Kiran uses 4 bags of mixed nuts.
If a situation involves equal-sized groups, it is helpful to make sense of it in terms of the number of groups, the size of each group, and the total amount. Here are three examples to help us better understand such situations.
We can express this situation as a multiplication problem. The unknown is the product, so we can simply multiply the 2 known numbers to find it. $$3 \boldcdot 6\frac12 = {?}$$
This situation can also be expressed using multiplication, but the unknown is a factor, rather than the product: $$6\, \boldcdot {?} = 20$$
To find the unknown, we cannot simply multiply, but we can think of it as a division problem: $$20 \div 6 = \,?$$
Again, we can think of this in terms of multiplication, with a different factor being the unknown: $$? \boldcdot 12 = 40$$
Likewise, we can use division to find the unknown: $$40 \div 12 = \,?$$
Whenever we have a multiplication situation, one factor tells us how many groups there are, and the other factor tells us how much is in each group.
Sometimes we want to find the total. Sometimes we want to find how many groups there are. Sometimes we want to find how much is in each group. Anytime we want to find out how many groups there are or how much is in each group, we can represent the situation using division.