1.1: Dots of Data
Here is a dot plot for a data set.
![A dot plot with the numbers 0 through 4 indicated. There are 3 evenly spaced tick marks between each number. The data are as follows: 0, 1 dot. One-fourth, 1 dot. One-half, 2 dots. Three-fourths, 3 dots. 1, 2 dots. 1 and a half, 4 dots. 1 and three-fourths, 3 dots. 2, 1 dot. 2 and one-fourth, 2 dots. 2 and a half, 2 dots.](https://cdn.openupresources.org/uploads/pictures/6/6.8.A1.Image.02.png)
Determine if each of the following would be an appropriate label to represent the data in the dot plot? Be prepared to explain your reasoning.
- Number of children per class.
- Distance between home and school, in miles.
- Hours spent watching TV each day.
- Weight of elephants, in pounds.
- Points received on a homework assignment.
Think of another label that can be used with the dot plot.
- Write it below the scale of the dot plot. Be sure to include the unit of measurement.
- In your scenario, what does one dot represent?
- In your scenario, what would a data point of 0 mean? What would a data point of 3\frac 14 mean?